KYBURZ® ENGINEERING – Electrically Insulated Pipe Connectors: insulating piece/insulating flange/insulting screw joint
With our KYBURZ® products we provide solutions and applications for corrosion protection of pipes in building services, industry, medicine, chemistry and petrochemistry.
Furthermore, these components are suitable to prevent electro smog.
INRAG manufactures electrically insulated connectors (separators) with flange, screw and welding connection from 6 mm to DN 800. We also develop custom-made products for our clients.
KYBURZ® ENGINEERING – Insulating Screw Joints
1/2 inch (DN15) to 3 inch (DN 80)
Pressure Stage: PN 10
Temperature: 95°C
all material transitions
KYBURZ® ENGINEERING – Insulating Flanges
1/2 inch (DN15) to DN 1000
Pressure stage PN 16 to PN 100
Temperature: 70°C to 200°C
all material transitions
KYBURZ® ENGINEERING – Insulating Pieces
for medical gases/refrigerants
Pressure stage PN 10 to PN 40
Temperature: 120°C
Copper solder connection
Filter Screen
Filter Screen with Retention Valve
Separation Spark Gap
KYBURZ® ENGINEERING – our solution for:
Contact Corrosion
vagrant currents (stray current)
EMC Issues
Electro Smog
CCP Cathodic Corrosion Protection
Further information can be found at:
+41 (0) 61 378 96 00